Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Beers of the Week Pt. II: HAN SOLO FUCKING SHOT FIRST; deal with it!

Cambridge Brewing Company-Bannatyne's Scotch Ale
In a fair world, this beer would be in 5% ABV range. That way, I could drink a half gallon of it before stumbling set in and I really, really want to. So damned smooth and tasty.

Cambridge Brewing Company-Tripel Threat
I really dig it when part of my purchase goes to charity. My wife is way too intelligent to buy the "I AM DRINKING TO HELP SAVE SOCIETY" argument but it's a great damn line. This one wasn't my favorite beer ever but I think that has to do with my being iffy on Belgian yeast. Blame my grasp of intergalactic languages. Douglas Adams FTW.

Cambridge Brewing Company-Audacity of Hops
That iffiness with yeast apparently doesn't apply if it's balanced against hops. I honestly preferred Backlash's Declaration to this particular Belgian IPA but it's still one of the few beers so tasty the wife heard me saying "NICE" from across the house on the first sip.

New England Brewing Company-Sea Hag IPA
Someone recently told me that IPAs age poorly and rarely survive transit in glass. I had to wonder if this was a way to rub in the fact I can't safely drive out to the Alchemist cannery for some Heady Topper due to my disability or more of the usual "hey let's all agree on something stupid/random" beer geek bullshit. What I concluded was I couldn't reach a conclusion reliably because this particular IPA is so good I would forsake the vast majority of competitors.

Founder's Dirty Bastard
Part of me was wondering if my fondness for this brew stemmed from it being my first Scotch ale. A couple bottles soon convinced me it had more to do with the fact I can never stick strictly to my region's breweries so long as Founder's exists.

Mission St. Brown Ale
This is a Trader Joe's beer. It sells for somewhere around $2.29 for 22oz. Amazingly, it's drinkable. I won't say you're dealing with a reinvention of the style but for the money, not bad.

Alesmith Speedway Stout
I hate coffee. This beer won't change that but damn... wow. It's full of stars.

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